Restorative Dentistry


Are you missing multiple teeth? Do you have trouble chewing as well as you once did? Or are missing teeth making you self-conscious about your appearance?

Dentures are an effective and affordable way of replacing missing teeth. Composed of a durable plastic resin and sometimes a metal framework, both partial and full dentures can be fabricated to look and feel natural. Today’s dentures are custom-fit to make it possible to eat foods with confidence and speak articulately. You may be a candidate for dentures if you are missing one or more teeth and are in need of an affordable prosthetic solution. Most denture wearers find that partial and full dentures can restore much of their original tooth function – not to mention create a beautiful, natural-looking smile.
Complete Your Smile with Dentures
elderly couple smiling
If you have any decayed or damaged teeth that need to be removed, they will be extracted, followed by a period of healing. Later, your dentist will take a mold of your remaining gum structure, as well as the roof of your mouth. This mold will be sent to a dental lab for denture fabrication. When the dentures are completed, you will return to your dentist for a final fitting. Keep in mind that it may take some time to adjust to dentures as you learn how to use the muscles in your cheeks and tongue to keep them in place. But over time, you should begin to feel more comfortable.

Your dentures will need to be removed nightly, cleaned and brushed daily, and you should also brush your gums daily to prevent infections caused by bacteria.
young woman with teeth pain


Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth. While we strive to avoid the need to remove a tooth whenever possible, certain conditions may make tooth extraction the most effective option for returning your smile to good health and function. Following the tooth extraction, we are happy to provide you with one of our excellent tooth replacement treatments, if needed, to restore your smile to optimal health, beauty, and function.

Several conditions may necessitate tooth extraction. Among these are: severe infection that has destroyed a significant portion of the tooth and supporting bone structure, serious decay that has damaged a tooth beyond repair, making a successful restoration impossible, and crowding caused by too many teeth to properly fit in the mouth
Suffer Toothpain? Schedule a Visit Immediately!

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Restorative Dentistry

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