By WestEnd Dental Associates
April 28, 2020
In these unusual times, we all understand the need to take care of our health. But did you know that your oral health plays an important role in the health of the rest of your body? New research comes out every day regarding the interconnections of the different parts of our bodies. For example, your gut health can affect your immune response, your energy level, and even your brain function. Sugar consumption can cause inflammation in your blood vessels, your joints and even your organs, not to mention its negative effect on your teeth. And poor oral health can also affect many other parts of your body. People with poor oral hygiene and poor oral health are more likely to experience problems with their general health. You might not even know that you have a chronic gum infection, but the bacteria that is present in your gums can spread to your heart, leading to inflammation of heart tissue, and increasing your risk of a heart attack. These periodontal bacteria have been found in the brain of Alzheimer patients, and may be involved in its onset. And women with periodontal disease have higher rates of breast cancer. Good oral health can mean better overall health. That’s why your dental appointment is important: it’s not just about clean teeth and fresh breath.